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margin-bottom: 1rem; padding-left: 0em; } .res li { color: #fff; font-size: .7em; display: block; margin-bottom: 1em; border-bottom: 1px solid #1b2237; padding-bottom: 1em; } .res li a { color: #ea9835; font-size: 1.6em; display: block; font-weight: bold; } .res a { color: #ea9835; font-size: 1.1em; display: block; font-weight: bold; } .leaderboard .one-link { position: relative; font-size: 15px; color: #fff; margin-bottom: 0px; /* border: 1px dotted #fff; */ border-top: 1px dotted rgba(83,83,83,.50); padding: 1em; border-radius: 0em; background-color: transparent; padding-left: 120px; padding-bottom: 2em; } .leaderboard .one-link:hover { border-top: 1px dotted rgba(83,83,83,.77); background-color: rgba(200,200,200,0.02) } .leaderboard .place { /* float: left; */ position: absolute; left: 20px; font-weight: bold; } .leaderboard .badges {float: right; width: 300px} .leaderboard .badges span img{ width: 24px;} .leaderboard .one-badge {float: right; width: 20px; margin-left: 10px;} .leaderboard .one-element {} .leaderboard .one-link p {} .leaderboard .one-link p span {} .leaderboard .one-link a {float: left; margin-right: 10px;} .schedule {} .dates { font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold; color: #ea9835; margin-bottom: .2em; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; margin-top: .1em;} .schedule .one-link p span { color: #666; font-size: 1.3em; display: block; font-weight: bold; } .schedule .one-link p span { color: #fff; font-size: 2.3em; display: block; font-weight: bold; } .schedule .one-link { position: relative; font-size: 15px; color: #ffffff; margin-bottom: 0px; /* border: 1px dotted #323232; */ border-top: 1px dotted rgba(83,83,83,.50); padding: 1em; border-radius: 0em; background-color: transparent; padding-left: 200px; padding-bottom: 2em; } .schedule .one-link:hover { border-top: 1px dotted rgba(83,83,83,.77); } .schedule .place { /* float: left; */ position: absolute; left: 20px; font-weight: bold; font-size: 30px; color: #fff; font-size: 3em; display: block; font-weight: bold; top: 10px; } .schedule .badges {float: right; width: 300px} .schedule .badges span img{ width: 24px;} .schedule .one-badge {float: right; width: 20px; margin-left: 10px;} .schedule .one-element {} .schedule .one-link p {} .schedule .one-link p span {} .schedule .one-link a {float: left; margin-right: 10px;} .d-text { font-size: 6em; color: #007bff } .b-text { font-size: 4em; margin-bottom: 1em } .navbar-dark .navbar-nav .nav-link { color: white; font-size: 2em; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 1em; padding: 0 1em; } .h2, h2 { font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold; color: #ea9835; margin-bottom: .7em; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; margin-top: .1em; } .h3, h3 { font-size: 1em; font-weight: 700; color: #000; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; } .h4, h4 { font-size: 1rem; margin-bottom: 1em; } .jumbotron { padding: 2rem 1rem; margin-bottom: 2rem; background-color: #e9ecef; border-radius: 0rem; } .inner-title { padding: 0em 0 0em 0; border-radius: 0px; padding-top: 1.3em } .no-bottom { margin-bottom: 0px } .small-logo { width: 16px; margin-right: 10px; position: relative; top: -3px; } .inner-title b { font-weight: normal; color: rgba(74,74,74,1.00); } .caption h3 { color: white; font-size: 1.1em; margin-bottom: 1em } .caption h4 { color: white; font-size: 1.7em; } .caption .row { margin-top: .7em; padding-top: .3em; padding-bottom: .3em; margin-bottom: 1em } .caption img { width: 100%; margin-bottom: 2em } .left-caption a { border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(100,100,100,1.00) } .left-caption h2 { font-size: .9em; } .h1, h1 { font-size: 2rem; margin-bottom: 30px; } .jumbotron p { font-size: 3em; line-height: 1em; color: #000; margin-bottom: 1em; } .masonry-column { padding: 0 5px; } .intro { padding: 0 0px 3em 0px; } .footer-base { padding: 0 0px 3em 0px; } a:hover { color: #007bff !important } .intro p { font-size: 16px; font-weight: normal; } .intro p.small { font-size: 18px; font-weight: normal; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; } .title { font-size: 1.4em; color: #fff; margin-bottom: 0.1em; font-size: 6em; margin-top: .3em; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; font-weight: bold; } .title b { color: #eea200; 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font-size: 1.7em; } .one-link { font-size: 15px; color: #323232; margin-bottom: 1em; padding: 1em; border-radius: 0em; background-color: #1b2237; padding-left: 100px; border: 1px solid #1b2237; } .glyphicon { float: right; margin-right: 5px; width: 16px; } .one-link:hover { opacity:1; border: 1px solid #1b2237; background-color: #171b2a; } .img-element:hover { cursor: pointer; } .chart-card:hover { border: 1px solid #fff; border-top: 1px solid rgba(184,184,184,.80); } .one-element { width: 4em; height: 4em; display: block; float: left; margin-right: 1em; text-align: left; position: absolute; left: 35px; } .one-link p { color: white; font-size: 1em; font-size: 13px; margin-bottom: 0.4em !important } .one-link p span { color: white; font-size: 1.3em; display: block; font-weight: bold; } .one-link a { color: #37a5dc; font-size: .7em; display: block; /* */ font-weight: bold; } .dontate-widget .stat { border-top: 0px dotted #2d2b2e; width: 100%; } .warning { background: #ff0000; color: #fff; padding: 2px 4px; display: inline-block; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 10px !important; top: -1px; border-radius: 4px; right: 15px; text-align: center; } .img-element { width: 100%; margin-bottom: 10px; border-radius: 0em; margin-bottom: 2em } .display-3 { font-size: 2.5rem; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; } .display-3 b { color: #eea200 } .connectProgress img { width: 100% } .stat { font-size: 18px; color: #c2c9e8; display: table; /* border-top: 1px dotted #2d2b2e; */ font-weight: bold; padding: .4em 0px; margin-bottom: 0; } .footer-base .stat { font-size: 12px; color: #000; display: table; /* border-top: 1px dotted #2d2b2e; */ font-weight: bold; padding: .4em 0px; margin-bottom: 0; } .stat p { } .stat span { color: rgba(55,55,55,1.00); font-size: 12px; margin-left: 10px; } .icon-small { } .display-2 { font-size: 15px; color: #e0e0e0; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center; border-bottom: 1px dotted #282d45; padding-bottom: 1em; padding-top: 2em; padding-top: 0em; font-size: .6em; color: #6f6c60; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 1px; text-transform: uppercase; text-transform: uppercase; color: #fff; font-size: 1em; } .display-4 { font-size: 2em; color: white; padding-bottom: .5em; text-align: center; border-bottom: 0px solid #323232; margin-bottom: .5em; font-weight: 300; line-height: 1.2; letter-spacing: 0px; } .display-5 { font-size: 1em; color: #ea9835; text-align: center; padding-bottom: 0em; text-transform: uppercase; text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 0px; width: 70%; margin: 0px auto } .page p { } .sticky { position: fixed; z-index: 101; } .stop { position: relative; z-index: 101; } .page h3 { border-top: 0px dotted rgba(110,110,110,.20); margin-top: .7em; padding-top: .3em; padding-top: 1em; } .page h4 { font-size: 1.5em; } .display-7 { font-size: 15px; color: #e0e0e0; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center; border-bottom: 1px solid #0c0f1e; padding-bottom: 1em; padding-top: 2em; padding-top: 1em; font-size: 2em; color: #fff; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 1px; text-transform: none; font-size: 2em; color: white; padding-bottom: .5em; text-align: center; border-bottom: 0px solid #323232; margin-bottom: .5em; font-weight: 300; line-height: 1.2; text-transform: lowercase; letter-spacing: 0px; } .call a { color: rgba(33,133,168,1.00); display: block; width: 363px; margin: 0px auto; font-size: 15px; color: #323232; margin-bottom: 1em; padding: 1em; border-radius: 0em; background-color: transparent; /* padding-left: 0px; */ border: 1px solid #1b2237; text-align: center; color: #fff !important; background-color: #007bff; text-align: center; font-size: 23px; border-radius: 7px; margin-bottom: -1em; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; padding: 0.3em 0em; border: 2px solid #007bff; } .call a:hover { text-decoration: none; background-color: #0f131f !important; border: 2px solid #007bff; } .display-6 { font-size: 1.4em; color: #ea9835; padding-bottom: 1em; text-align: left; border-bottom: 0px solid #323232; margin-bottom: 0em; font-weight: 300; line-height: 1.2; font-weight: bold; } .jumbotron { padding: 1rem 0rem 1rem 0rem; margin-bottom: 0rem; color: white; background-color: #0f131f; background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; } main { margin-bottom: .7em; } .logo { float: left; margin-right: 30px; width: 110px; margin-bottom: 30px } .ann { border-radius: 0; color: #000; display: block; color: #000; display: flex; margin-bottom: 0em; } #aside1, #aside2, #article { padding-top: 2em } .ann p { margin-bottom: 0em; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; float: left; color: #000; text-align: center; display: block; width: 100%; border: 1px dotted rgba(83,83,83,.50); padding: 1em; border-radius: 0.5em; background-color: #fff; } .big-text { font-size: 1.5em; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; font-weight: 400 !important } .ann-text { font-size: 1em; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; font-weight: 400 !important; float: left } .ann-text b { font-size: 3.5em; } .ann span { font-size: 1em; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; font-weight: 400 !important; float: left; margin-right: 1em } .ann .display-3 { font-size: 15px; color: #e0e0e0; margin-top: 10px; border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5; padding-bottom: 2em; } .btn-ann { float: right } .btn-secondary { color: #000; background-color: #000; border: 0px solid transparent; color: #000; background-color: #6c757d; border-color: #6c757d; font-size: .8em; } .btn-action-teamspeak { color: #000; background-color: #000; border: 0px solid transparent; color: #000; background-color: #6c757d; border-color: #6c757d; font-size: .8em; margin-right: 20px; padding: .4em .7em; font-size: 1.4em; color: #fff !important; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: bold; background-color: #2e3c5a; } .btn-action-telegram { color: #000; background-color: #000; border: 0px solid transparent; color: #000; background-color: #6c757d; border-color: #6c757d; font-size: .8em; padding: .4em .7em; font-size: 1.4em; color: #fff !important; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: bold; background-color: #007bff; } .btn-action-telegram:hover { color: #000; color: rgba(179,209,225,1.00) !important; } a { color: white; text-decoration: none; background-color: transparent; -webkit-text-decoration-skip: objects; } .dontate-widget { background-color: #fff; border: 2px solid #007bff; text-align: center; padding-bottom: 1em } a.dontate-widget { font-size: 12px; color: #fff; background-color: #007bff; border-color: #007bff; margin-bottom: 1em; padding: 1em; border-radius: 0.5em; text-align: center; width: 100%; display: block; border-radius: 0; margin-bottom: 0px; } a.dontate-widget:hover { color: #fff !important; text-align: center } .dontate-widget p { color: #000; } .dontate-widget .stat { border-top: 0px dotted #2d2b2e; width: 100%; display: block; } .btn-primary { color: #fff; background-color: #007bff; border-color: #007bff; border-radius: 0px; } .call { border-bottom: 2px dashed #007bff; margin-top: 1em;} .teamspeak-widget { font-size: 17px; color: white; margin-bottom: 1em; background-color: #171b2a; padding: 1em; border-radius: 0px; } .indicator-widget { font-size: 17px; color: white; margin-bottom: 1em; background-color: #171b2a; padding: 1em; border-radius: 0px; } .form-control { display: block; width: 100%; padding: .375rem .75rem; font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1.5; color: #ffffff; background-color: #100e11; background-clip: padding-box; border: 2px solid #0d142f; border-radius: .25rem; transition: border-color .15s ease-in-out, box-shadow .15s ease-in-out; } .big-text { font-size: 1.3em; margin-bottom: 1.4em; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; font-weight: 400 !important; color: white; text-align: center; line-height: 1.5em } .big-text a { color: rgba(236,176,0,1.00); text-decoration: underline; } .big-text b { font-size: 1.7em; font-weight: normal; } .btn-outline-success { color: #000; background-color: #100e11; border: 2px solid #0d142f; background-image: none; border: 0px solid transparent; } .btn-outline-success:hover { color: #000; background-color: #080a13; } .no-border { border: 0px } .ann-text { font-size: 1em; } .ann-text { font-size: 1em; font-size: 1em !important; line-height: 1em !important; } .ann-text b { font-size: 2em !important; line-height: 1em !important; } .intro p { font-size: 20px; font-weight: normal; line-height: inherit; } @media (min-width: 1600px) { .container { max-width: 1440px; } } @media (max-width: 1200px) { .soc-text{ display:none} .navbar-dark .navbar-nav .nav-link { color: white; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: .8em; padding: 0 1em; } } @media (max-width: 900px) { .navbar { display: block; } .navbar-dark .navbar-brand { color: #eea200; font-size: 1.7em; width: 100%; text-align: center; margin: .5em 0; } .soc-text{ display:none} .sepblock { display: none } .res li { color: #fff; font-size: 1em; display: block; margin-bottom: 1em; border-bottom: 1px solid #1b2237; padding-bottom: 1em; } .schedule .badges { float: right; width: 30px; } .btn-primary { color: #fff; background-color: #007bff; border-color: #007bff; border-radius: 0px; width: 100%; white-space: normal; } .dontate-widget { background-color: #fff; border: 2px solid #007bff; text-align: center; padding-bottom: 1em; display: block; margin-bottom: 2em; } .jumbotron p { font-size: 2em; line-height: 1em; color: #000; margin-bottom: 1em; } .navbar-dark .navbar-nav .nav-link { color: #000; font-size: .9em ; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1em; padding: 0 1em; } .ann-text b { font-size: 1em !important; line-height: 1em !important; } .ann p { margin-bottom: 20px; font-size: .5em } p.content-text { font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.4em; color: #000; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-top: 1em; } .h1, h1 { font-size: 1.5rem; margin-bottom: 30px; text-align: center; } .inner-title { padding: 0em 0 0em 0; border-radius: 0px; padding-top: 1.3em; text-align: center; border-bottom: 1px dotted #282d45; padding-bottom: 1em; } .subtitle { font-weight: bold; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; line-height: .9em; 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color: #323232; margin-bottom: .7em; padding: .3em 1em; border-radius: 0em; background-color: #1b2237; padding-left: 100px; border: 1px solid #1b2237; } .one-link { font-size: 15px; color: #323232; margin-bottom: 1em; padding: .3em 1em; border-radius: 0em; background-color: #1b2237; padding-left: 75px; border: 1px solid #1b2237; } .navbar-dark .navbar-toggler { color: #000; border-color: #000; background: #333; float: right; background-color: #ccc; border: 0px solid #ccc; width: 38px; padding: 3px 3px; margin: 5px 0px; background: transparent; position: absolute; right: 1em; top: 1em; } .one-element { width: 4em; height: 4em; display: block; float: left; margin-right: 1em; text-align: left; position: absolute; left: 25px; } .navbar-dark .navbar-nav .nav-link { color: #fff; font-size: 2em; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1em; /* padding: 0 1em; */ margin: 0; border-top: 1px solid #1b2237; line-height: 2em; padding: .2em; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .intro p.small { font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; } .display-5 { font-size: .7em; color: #6f6c60; text-align: center; padding-bottom: 0em; text-transform: uppercase; text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 0px; width: 90%; margin: 0px auto; } .display-6 { font-size: 2em; } .dontate-widget { margin-bottom: 2em } .inner-title { padding: 0em 0 0em 0; border-radius: 0px; padding-top: 1.3em; text-align: center; border-bottom: 1px dotted #282d45; padding-bottom: 1em; } body { font-size: .9em; } .display-4 { font-size: 1.4em; color: white; padding-bottom: .5em; text-align: center; border-bottom: 0px solid #323232; margin-bottom: .5em; font-weight: 300; line-height: 1.2; } .btn-action-teamspeak { width: 100%; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 30px; } .btn-action-telegram { width: 100%; text-align: center; } #aside1 { display: none } .subtitle { font-size: 2em !important; } .h1, h1 { font-size: 1rem; margin-bottom: 18px; } .logo { float: left; margin-right: 30px; width: 70px; margin-bottom: 70px; 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